E-commerce Berlin Expo 2025
But why? You might ask. And to be honest, our partners Hyvä, maxcluster and Mollie are to blame ;-) They invited us to a pre-event dinner, which we couldn’t miss. And having been there, it was totally the right decision to go! They were excellent hosts and took care of everything, so that everyone could have a great evening. Since only two people from one company could attend, it was a diverse mix of people from all different agencies. I met quite a few new people, but could also deepen the relationship with old contacts. Thanks a lot for the invitation!
One of the highlights of the evening was the public announcement of Meet Magento Germany 2026. At first, we thought that it will be a silent thing: Nicole from maxcluster added the abbreviation “MMDE 2026 🧡” to the name tags of the organisers-to-be Torben Höhn, David Lambauer, Tobias Niebergall and me, which was spotted by some. But then, it turned out that we should officially announce it as well. Pictures were taken, “can we post this on social media” was shortly asked and all of a sudden, it was more official than we expected it to be… The reaction - both offline and online - was very positive. It looks like many people eagerly waited for someone to organise this and are all happy to support it. Once more, this shows that the Magento community is alive and kicking!

You don’t have to be a fortune-teller to tell that the evening ended not too early in a random bar in Berlin with some interesting stories, conversations, a lot of fun and some drinks.
The next morning started with some indoor running, where I could even motivate my conference buddy Torben Höhn to join. To be honest, I was rather sceptical regarding the actual expo. I expected it to be packed, completely anonymous and not very interesting. And yes, the expo is indeed huge and at least partially also very crowded. However, it was still possible to establish contacts and I liked having so many partners or partners-to-be at one place. As usual, it helps to know a few people before - this makes the rest of the networking much easier.
Will I be at the next E-commerce Berlin Expo? Maybe. Will I be at the next E-commerce Berlin Expo if there is another pre-event by some of our closest partners? Most probably!