Logo Customgento
Logo Customgento

Office Assistant (m/f/d) part-time

You take care of our office, the team, our marketing, our events, our accounting, etc. Pretty much anything our nerds cannot or do not want to handle ;-)

Your Job

  • take care of our marketing & sales
  • create content for our website and our social media profiles
  • purchase stuff we need
  • improve and take care of our office
  • make sure you and your colleagues feel well
  • organise events (like our yearly offsites, summer parties, winter parties, conferences we attend, …)
  • prepare our accounting
  • … probably even more!

What We Offer

Please have a look at our general jobs page, which shows how working at CustomGento looks like and which benefits we have.

This is a part-time job (5 to 20 hours per week). Work on premises most of the time, but remote work is also possible. In general, we are quite flexible and try to accommodate you. Some of the benefits in place like a company pension scheme or coverage of commuting costs were suggested by team members. Feel free to talk to us!

What We Expect

  • German and English fluency
  • excellent organising skills
  • excellent communication
  • sociability and healthy self-confidence
  • good writing skills
  • working independently
  • working on premises most of the time

Not fulfilling some of these points? Maybe you have other skills instead? No worries. Let’s talk about it. In any case, training is part of your job!

What’s a Plus

  • experience as an office manager / marketing manager
  • experience with accounting
  • experience with e-commerce / Magento
  • experience with the Google suite, Notion, Slack
  • experience with AI / ChatGPT

What are you waiting for!? Apply Now